

*NO SUCCESS WITHOUT GOD * Success without God ends in destruction. Please do not get carried away and think that even if you do not come to church you will still be successful, that is not true. Do not envy any sinner, no matter how wealthy that person seems to be. No matter how well placed a sinner is, do not envy him/her, because his /her end is sure, which is destruction. I will tell you some stories of people who did not regard God and how they ended; people who felt there was no need for Christ or God in their lives. These are live stories; they were not taken from bible so that you will know that without God you do not have a future. * John Lennon: * There was a man called John Lennon who was a well known singer of the Beatles band. Some years ago during his interview with an American magazine he said, Christianity will end, it will disappear. He said “I do not have to argue about that I am certain, Jesus was okay but his subjects were too simple, today we are m...


33 FACETS OF LEADERSHIP;           PRINCIPLES FOR ATTAINING SUCCESS IN LEADERSHIP Sir/ Ma,                                              LETTER OF INVITATION Wonderful greetings in the Precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are cordially invited as a special guest to the launch of my book  “33 FACETS OF LEADERSHIP”. “The book was born out of a desire to present a reading material that addresses one of the greatest needs in the world today “True leadership”. 33 facets of leadership; outlines what leadership encapsulates in the most simple and understandable manner. It is a blueprint for all those that sincerely desire to succeed in leadership. The book, forwarded by Pastor Brown Ashegbare (APICR/PIC Kaduna Province 3), also discussed several leadership principles that are relevant to modern times.” TIME: ...
SOLAR SYSTEM AND THE PLANETS O ur Solar System is huge. The Sun is the central force of the Solar System. Moving around the Sun are nine planets, their moons and several comets and asteriods. SUN: the sun is in fact, a huge star. it is so huge that you could fit a million Earth into it! MERCURY: Mercury is the closest planet to  the Sun  but, perhaps surprisingly, it does not have the highest temperatures. It is the second densest planet of the  Solar System , but also the smallest planet. The structure of Mercury makes it the most similar planet to  Earth . VENUS: V enus is the second planet from  the Sun  and the sixth-largest. Together with  Mercury , they are the only planets without a  satellite , even though Mercury is closer to the sun, Venus is the hottest planet. Venus has no moon. EARTH: E arth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in the Solar System with the highest density. It is currently the only known locati...
FOLLOWERSHIP: THE PATHWAY TO LEADERSHIP Focus on your goals! Aristotle once said, “he who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader”. To follow literally means to come after a person that has gone ahead. It could also mean to walk behind something or someone. Followership is an important requirement, to be able to lead effectively at some point in life. Every potential leader must endeavor to identify leaders they can submit to in service. Followership will avail aspiring leaders of the opportunity to learn the methods, principles, character and virtues of the one leading. Effective followership is an essential building block for effective leadership. The following are essentials traits of good followers: HUMILITY- This entails submission to the one that is leading. Humility allows followers to be completely comfortable with their present status, while painstakingly learning at the feet of those ahead of them with a view of becoming a better leader in the future....
SUCCESSFUL LEADERS ARE GREAT THINKERS   All humans think; we just all think differently. As a matter of fact, before you can act on just anything, you must have thought about it.  In his book 'How successful people think' John C Maxwell, wrote that "the world most successful people have one thing in common; they think differently from everyone else'.  The pattern of thinking of successful people is in sharp contrast with the normal, mundane, conventional and everyday kind of thought that majority of individuals engage in.  Successful people thoughts are directed at improving their lives and other people lives per time.  As an aspiring leader, we can train our brain and mind to think differently from others. Our resolve to dedicate more time into creative thinking will help us in having deep insight and understanding about how we can be more successful in our endeavours.  Note Hope you found this article useful? If you have any questions ...
LEADERSHIP FATALITIES 1) LACK OF INTEGRITY - The real power of a leader is the power of character. A leader caught in the web of lying, stealing, cheating, drinking, smoking, immorality and other vices, will not stay in relevance for long.  A leader should have a lifestyle of good behavior which portrays moral strength, self discipline and dignity.  2) INGRATITUDE - Problems will surely arise when leaders fail to give credit to others. Leaders must find ways of praising and appreciating others, especially when they are doing the right things. A leader must learn to say "thank you" at all times to show gratitude for other people's effort.  Note Hope you found this article useful? If you have any questions or you wish to make contributions, kindly use the comment section below this article. Thank You!    ADEDAMOLA IYIADE 
CURIOSITY: THE LIFE TIME HOBBY OF SUCCESSFUL LEADERS Walt Disney, a prominent leader in America animation industry was quoted as saying “we keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious, and curiosity keep leading us down new paths”. We can now all imagine why The Walt Disney Company is a colossal force in world entertainment industry. Curiosity is a major hobby of successful leaders; it is an innate behavior they enjoy manifesting on regular basis. Leaders learn more about things by asking right and relevant questions, and also seeking the best possible answers to questions. Successful leaders are highly inquisitive people; they are always ready to acquire more knowledge. Successful leaders are interested in knowing how things work, so that they can put such things to work themselves.  Curiosity is therefore a hobby for leaders who are committed to generating fresh ideas consistently to grow their interest. Here are basic chara...