Focus on your goals!
Aristotle once said, “he who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader”.
To follow literally means to come after a person that has gone ahead. It could also mean to walk behind something or someone.
Followership is an important requirement, to be able to lead effectively at some point in life. Every potential leader must endeavor to identify leaders they can submit to in service.
Followership will avail aspiring leaders of the opportunity to learn the methods, principles, character and virtues of the one leading. Effective followership is an essential building block for effective leadership.
The following are essentials traits of good followers:

  • HUMILITY- This entails submission to the one that is leading. Humility allows followers to be completely comfortable with their present status, while painstakingly learning at the feet of those ahead of them with a view of becoming a better leader in the future.
  • LOYALTY- a good follower needs to be reliable and trustworthy. Followers must stay firm in support of the leader. Good followers must be ready to defend and stand with the leader even in difficult circumstances. Followers are expected to be passionate about the leader.
  • SETTING HIGH STANDARDS- all followers must aspire to be a leader in the foreseeable future. It is therefore important for followers to be able to set high standards in the pursuit of their leadership goals. Followers must go the extra mile and do more than required in other to be the best. They must carry out the instructions of the leader with a touch of excellence.
  • POSITIVE MINDSET- good followers are always enthusiastic about what the future holds. They don’t indulge in negative thoughts about their leaders and other people around them. Good followers focus on their goals and pursue such goals with relentless commitment.

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