Success without God ends in destruction. Please do not get carried away and
think that even if you do
not come to church you will still be successful, that is not true.

Do not envy any sinner, no matter how wealthy that person seems to be. No matter how well placed a sinner is, do not envy him/her, because his /her end is sure, which is destruction.

I will tell you some stories of people who did not regard God and how they ended; people who felt there was no need for Christ or God in their lives.

These are live stories; they were not taken from bible so that you will know that without God you do not have a future.

*John Lennon:*

There was a man called John Lennon who was a well known singer of the
Beatles band. Some years ago during his interview with an American magazine he said, Christianity will end, it will disappear.
He said “I do not have to argue about that I am certain, Jesus was okay but his subjects were too simple, today we are more famous than him”. On December 8, 1980, Lenon was shot in New York, after saying that Beatles was more famous than Jesus. He was shot six times and that was his end.

A President elect in Brazil, during his presidential campaign said that if he
got 500,000 votes from his party not even God will remove him from
presidency. At least, he got the votes but fell sick a day before inauguration
and died.

*(Cazuza) 1958-1990*
He was a bisexual Brazilian composer, who while smoking his cigarette, puffed out some smoke into the air and said, God that's for you. He died at
the age of 32 after suffering of lung cancer and H.I.V.

*Thomas Andrews* :
The man who designed Titanic; after the construction, a reporter asked Andrews at the lunch before the first sail how safe the titanic will be; with a horrific tone he said “not even God can make the ship sink”. I think we all know what happened to titanic. It sank.

*Mary Graham* :
She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation show. He told her that he was sent by God. After hearing what the preacher had to say, she said “I do not want your Jesus”. A week later, she was found dead in her

In 2005, in a Camp-picnic in Brazil, a group of friends who were drunk
went to pick up one of their friends. The mother was so worried about her friends' state of stupor and said “my daughter, go with God and may He
protect you”. She responded “only if God travels in the trunk” since the vehicle was full to capacity.
Hours later, news came that they were involved
in a fatal accident, which left everyone dead and the car damaged beyond
recognition, but surprisingly the trunk was intact.
The police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact. To
show divine mystery, inside the trunk was a crate of eggs and none was broken. She said, “if God had a place in the trunk”. That place was the place God protected.

There was a man called Muammer Ghadaffi, former Libyan president. In one of his speeches, he boasted and called himself “king of kings”. He never lasted, but died like a mouse.

Without God, what you call success is absolute futility.
Life on earth is meaningless unless you are living for Jesus.
Never get excited seeing a sinner that is successful; just watch out how he will end. Those who make mockery of God end up a mockery.
There is somebody I used to know; I grew up meeting him.
He made mockery of the Bible, asking why Jesus Christ died. Blasphemy;
heavy blasphemy! He had mental problems, they prayed for him to be well but he died as a mad man.
Be careful not to envy a sinner!
You have been given an insight to what happens to people who blasphemed against God.

You may say in your heart, “well why will that man who do not know God progress”? Watch how he will end. They ended up being grounded. Every
successful man that ended well never took God for granted.
There is no Success that ever took God for granted that ended well. There is
no success with sin.



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