
Showing posts from 2019
SUCCESSFUL LEADERS ARE GREAT THINKERS   All humans think; we just all think differently. As a matter of fact, before you can act on just anything, you must have thought about it.  In his book 'How successful people think' John C Maxwell, wrote that "the world most successful people have one thing in common; they think differently from everyone else'.  The pattern of thinking of successful people is in sharp contrast with the normal, mundane, conventional and everyday kind of thought that majority of individuals engage in.  Successful people thoughts are directed at improving their lives and other people lives per time.  As an aspiring leader, we can train our brain and mind to think differently from others. Our resolve to dedicate more time into creative thinking will help us in having deep insight and understanding about how we can be more successful in our endeavours.  Note Hope you found this article useful? If you have any questions or you wish
LEADERSHIP FATALITIES 1) LACK OF INTEGRITY - The real power of a leader is the power of character. A leader caught in the web of lying, stealing, cheating, drinking, smoking, immorality and other vices, will not stay in relevance for long.  A leader should have a lifestyle of good behavior which portrays moral strength, self discipline and dignity.  2) INGRATITUDE - Problems will surely arise when leaders fail to give credit to others. Leaders must find ways of praising and appreciating others, especially when they are doing the right things. A leader must learn to say "thank you" at all times to show gratitude for other people's effort.  Note Hope you found this article useful? If you have any questions or you wish to make contributions, kindly use the comment section below this article. Thank You!    ADEDAMOLA IYIADE 
CURIOSITY: THE LIFE TIME HOBBY OF SUCCESSFUL LEADERS Walt Disney, a prominent leader in America animation industry was quoted as saying “we keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious, and curiosity keep leading us down new paths”. We can now all imagine why The Walt Disney Company is a colossal force in world entertainment industry. Curiosity is a major hobby of successful leaders; it is an innate behavior they enjoy manifesting on regular basis. Leaders learn more about things by asking right and relevant questions, and also seeking the best possible answers to questions. Successful leaders are highly inquisitive people; they are always ready to acquire more knowledge. Successful leaders are interested in knowing how things work, so that they can put such things to work themselves.  Curiosity is therefore a hobby for leaders who are committed to generating fresh ideas consistently to grow their interest. Here are basic character
A MAN IS THE ARCHITECT OF HIS FAILURE OR SUCCESS A story was told of a young chap, who went to a soothsayer to inquire about his future. Right before his eyes, the soothsayer drew two circles. One in white and the other in black. He then put a millipede in between the circles, saying “if the millipede crawls into the white circle, your future will be bright & very great; but if it crawls into the black circle, then you’re finished & doomed. As soon as the millipede was dropped in between the circles, it began to crawl towards the white circle. This chap was super excited! But suddenly as it got to the edge of the circle, it turned back & began crawling towards the black one. The boy watched as the millipede progressively moved farther away from his desire to his doom. Then just when the millipede got to the edge of the black circle, this chap stretched his hands, picked it up & quickly but carefully dropped it in the white circle. The soothsayer in shock, ne
THE TIGER ROARS AGAIN History was rewritten recently when, against all odds and predictions, Eldrick Tont Woods popularly known as Tiger Woods won the US Masters Professional golf tournament after he won it last in 2005 and after 11 years of winning a major golf title. Woods won his fifth Masters green jacket and his first major championship in 2008. The icing on the cake is the award of “the presidential Medal of Freedom” to Tiger Woods by President Donald Trump in a ceremony at the White House on May 6 th , 2019. At the occasion, President Trump praised Wood’s many accomplishments on the golf course and his ability to come back from debilitating physical adversity that might have permanently sidelined any other athlete. At the peak of his career, Woods won 13 golf major titles from June 1997 to October 2010. After which he fell from Number 1 to 58 in world ranking. The win by Tiger Woods was therefore very significant in the face of various crises he went through an
FROM CAPE TOWN TO CAIRO: TEN TEENAGERS FLY IN SELF MADE PLANE ✈  CAPE TOWN - Teenage pilots have achieved their goal of flying from Cape Town to Cairo in a self-made plane. It took a group of 20 teenagers 10 days to build the four-seater Sling 4 plane which landed safely in Cairo on Monday. Six young pilots were a part of the journey which aimed to inspire youth across the world to chase their dreams, and not be limited by their past. Seventeen-year-old pilot Megan Werner, founder of the U-Dream Global project, said: “I wanted to do something bigger that will inspire people around the world. I’ve got a huge love for aviation because my mom is an aircraft engineer instructor and my dad is an airline pilot. When I heard about the initiative… I thought how about having 20 teenagers building a plane and then we fly it across Africa,” she said. It was no easy feat, as the group encountered multiple challenges en route to Cairo. “The support plane broke down and in Addis [Abab
CREATING AND USING STRONG NETWORK When it comes to being successful, who you know and relates with matters as much as what you know. All humans are social beings, we all have people around we socialize with on daily basis; our family, neighbors, peer groups and so on.  Networking however goes beyond just socializing; networking involves connecting, building and managing of strong mutual relationship with the right people. Connection is important in creating strong network. Connect with the right set of people that will be of tremendous help in achieving your life goals. 👉  How can you create and use strong networks: Identify with people who share similar principles, philosophy and beliefs with you.  Identify with people who possess positive mindset. Connect with those who have track record of undeniable success in your field.  Connect only with people of qualitative positive character.  Subject yourself to mentorship with successful people in your field.  Note Hope
NEVER GIVE UP; STAY WITH IT TO THE END. Liverpool FC against all odds, came back from a three nil deficit playing away to FC Barcelona by winning four nil on their home ground in Anfield and subsequently qualified for the 2019 UCL Final in Madrid.  The obvious lesson to learn from this great win is never to give up, no matter the circumstances!  There's the story of a farmer whose Horse 🐴 fell into a deep ditch. Since there was no way to get him out, the farmer decided to bury him there. But the horse 🐴 had a different idea. Initially, when the shovels of dirt started landing on his back, he became hysterical. Then this thought struck him; "just shake it off, and step on it". So he did. Hour after hour, as the dirt fell on him,  he kept telling himself, "just shake it off, and step on it! " No matter how much dirt they threw on him, he just kept shaking it off and stepping on it, until finally, he stepped triumphantly out of the well. Life will eit
VALUE FOR KNOWLEDGE Lawyers are called learned because of the inestimable value they place on knowledge. Apparently, knowledge is very important to have as a lawyer.  Like lawyers, to be the best in your field, you need to possess an unquenchable appetite for relevant knowledge. Great leaders are never tired of reading, learning, writing, researching, studying and relearning.  Build capacity by exposing yourself to relevant literatures. Try and know something about every field of study.  Most importantly, embark on sound application of the knowledge you've acquired in your field.  Note Hope you found this article useful? If you have any questions or you wish to make contributions, kindly use the comment section below this article. Thank You! 
PROSPEROUS ASSOCIATION  Proverbs 27:17a says “iron sharpeneth iron”. Whatever you permit around you will end up influencing you.  Be smart , don't waste time associating with regular people;  invest your time hanging out with highly resourceful people with immense capacity. Get fresh ideas by engaging in discussions with successful people. Ask questions and consult from other leaders before making vital decisions. To sum up, socialize with creative innovative people!  ADEDAMOLA IYIADE 
VISION: THE TRAIT THAT DISTINGUISHES LEADERS. A recent study conducted by Natalie Wolchover revealed that if humans swapped their eyes for an Eagle’s, they could see an ant crawling on the ground from the roof of a ten storey building. This means that an object you see five feet away, an Eagle would see sharply at twenty feet away; the Eagle’s vision is an awesome vision. Vision is a mental picture of your desired future. Vision is what creates everyone’s future; you can’t arrive at a future you can’t see; it is until you see it that you can get it. Ultimately, all leaders of note are visionary people. Visionary people enjoy more successes in life; they have the best chance of succeeding in any endeavor. Notable leaders who caught their vision early in life, and have recorded tremendous success include, John Dell, Bill Gate, Bishop David Oyedepo, Mark Zukerberg, Sam Adeyemi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King (Jr.) and so on. How did these set of successful and notable leader
INGREDIENTS FOR LEADERSHIP In making a quality pot of stew, several ingredients are required. This same principle applies to leadership. Several ingredients are required to prepare adequately for leadership.  Ingredients are the elements present in a mixture. A combination of these ingredients for leadership will certainly secure your leadership destiny and put you in pole position to becoming and having the qualities of a great leader: 3) WISDOM. Sound decisions can only be made when you’ve acquired enough knowledge. Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge. As an aspiring leader, you must be highly interested in fact finding, gathering of relevant information and identifying important details in your areas of interest. Great leadership requires wisdom. 4) STRENGTH. Physical, mental and spiritual strength are required in the making of a cutting edge leader. If you are not strong physically, it will be difficult to coordinate your team. Mental toughness can improve yo
INGREDIENTS FOR LEADERSHIP In making a quality pot of stew, several ingredients are required. This same principle applies to leadership. Several ingredients are required to prepare adequately for leadership.  Ingredients are the elements present in a mixture. A combination of these ingredients for leadership will certainly secure your leadership destiny and put you in pole position to becoming and having the qualities of a great leader: 1) DISCIPLINE. Discipline is all about living a well guarded life. To be a great leader you have to discipline your thoughts, words and actions. Ultimately, your pattern of thinking will influence the way you act, the steps you take, the people you spend time with to talk and the result you produce. Always think positively. 2) DILIGENCE. An aspiring leader must be ready to be fully dedicated/committed in performance of his/her obligations. Diligence isn’t just hard work; it is smart work that requires firmness especially when the going get
IMPORTANT QUALITIES OF GREAT LEADERS 11 Leadership coach and expert, John C. Maxwell once said “a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”. Great leaders are not confused people; they are problem solvers who know exactly what they are capable of accomplishing. Great leaders are always ahead of others because they pay little or no attention to the challenges that come with their goals. Consider other qualities of great leaders:  SUCCESS DRIVE . Great leaders have their mindset fixed on success. Great leaders spend more time craving for success than fearing failure. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION . Great leaders possess effective communication skills. They hold regular meetings with others  where they clearly state their visions, intentions, ideas, policies and so on. Great leaders inspire and motivate others by communicating effectively. INTEGRITY . Great leaders are honest, sincere and truthful people. Integrity is infact, the foundation of leadership.


Leadership coach and expert, John C. Maxwell once said “a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”. Great leaders are not confused people; they are problem solvers who know exactly what they are capable of accomplishing. Great leaders are always ahead of others because they pay little or no attention to the challenges that come with their goals. Consider some of the qualities great leaders: PASSION IN ACTUALIZING VISION. Effective leaders are very passionate in pushing a visionary agenda, even when it looks unpopular. They care less if people understand what they are doing. They are always eager to prove a point because what is pushing them is far bigger than the challenges other people are seeing. ABILITY IN TAKING INITIATIVES . Successful leaders are people with great ideas. However, they go a step further by taking proactive steps in translating ideas into action. It takes courage to act on preconceived ideas, great leaders have however proved that w


Leadership is finding solution to problems. Leaders are those that identify problems and find practical ways of solving those problems. Leaders in the real sense are solution providers. To be a leader of worth, get committed by becoming a solution provider. Leadership is positive influence. Leaders are those people who are able to positively influence others towards reaching a goal, completing a mission and creating new ideas. Leaders that provide positive influence are those that help us move nearer to our desired results and help us to be better today than we were yesterday. Leadership is about change. Leaders bring people together to create change. Change is constant; therefore a leader must be dynamic enough to embrace change. A leader must listen, learn, love, teach and grow continuously.

