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*NO SUCCESS WITHOUT GOD * Success without God ends in destruction. Please do not get carried away and think that even if you do not come to church you will still be successful, that is not true. Do not envy any sinner, no matter how wealthy that person seems to be. No matter how well placed a sinner is, do not envy him/her, because his /her end is sure, which is destruction. I will tell you some stories of people who did not regard God and how they ended; people who felt there was no need for Christ or God in their lives. These are live stories; they were not taken from bible so that you will know that without God you do not have a future. * John Lennon: * There was a man called John Lennon who was a well known singer of the Beatles band. Some years ago during his interview with an American magazine he said, Christianity will end, it will disappear. He said “I do not have to argue about that I am certain, Jesus was okay but his subjects were too simple, today we are m