SOLAR SYSTEM AND THE PLANETS O ur Solar System is huge. The Sun is the central force of the Solar System. Moving around the Sun are nine planets, their moons and several comets and asteriods. SUN: the sun is in fact, a huge star. it is so huge that you could fit a million Earth into it! MERCURY: Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun but, perhaps surprisingly, it does not have the highest temperatures. It is the second densest planet of the Solar System , but also the smallest planet. The structure of Mercury makes it the most similar planet to Earth . VENUS: V enus is the second planet from the Sun and the sixth-largest. Together with Mercury , they are the only planets without a satellite , even though Mercury is closer to the sun, Venus is the hottest planet. Venus has no moon. EARTH: E arth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in the Solar System with the highest density. It is currently the only known locati...