A MAN IS THE ARCHITECT OF HIS FAILURE OR SUCCESS A story was told of a young chap, who went to a soothsayer to inquire about his future. Right before his eyes, the soothsayer drew two circles. One in white and the other in black. He then put a millipede in between the circles, saying “if the millipede crawls into the white circle, your future will be bright & very great; but if it crawls into the black circle, then you’re finished & doomed. As soon as the millipede was dropped in between the circles, it began to crawl towards the white circle. This chap was super excited! But suddenly as it got to the edge of the circle, it turned back & began crawling towards the black one. The boy watched as the millipede progressively moved farther away from his desire to his doom. Then just when the millipede got to the edge of the black circle, this chap stretched his hands, picked it up & quickly but carefully dropped it in the white circle. The soothsayer in shock, ne...