NEVER GIVE UP; STAY WITH IT TO THE END. Liverpool FC against all odds, came back from a three nil deficit playing away to FC Barcelona by winning four nil on their home ground in Anfield and subsequently qualified for the 2019 UCL Final in Madrid. The obvious lesson to learn from this great win is never to give up, no matter the circumstances! There's the story of a farmer whose Horse 🐴 fell into a deep ditch. Since there was no way to get him out, the farmer decided to bury him there. But the horse 🐴 had a different idea. Initially, when the shovels of dirt started landing on his back, he became hysterical. Then this thought struck him; "just shake it off, and step on it". So he did. Hour after hour, as the dirt fell on him, he kept telling himself, "just shake it off, and step on it! " No matter how much dirt they threw on him, he just kept shaking it off and stepping on it, until finally, he stepped triumphantly out of the well. Life will eit...