VISION: THE TRAIT THAT DISTINGUISHES LEADERS. A recent study conducted by Natalie Wolchover revealed that if humans swapped their eyes for an Eagle’s, they could see an ant crawling on the ground from the roof of a ten storey building. This means that an object you see five feet away, an Eagle would see sharply at twenty feet away; the Eagle’s vision is an awesome vision. Vision is a mental picture of your desired future. Vision is what creates everyone’s future; you can’t arrive at a future you can’t see; it is until you see it that you can get it. Ultimately, all leaders of note are visionary people. Visionary people enjoy more successes in life; they have the best chance of succeeding in any endeavor. Notable leaders who caught their vision early in life, and have recorded tremendous success include, John Dell, Bill Gate, Bishop David Oyedepo, Mark Zukerberg, Sam Adeyemi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King (Jr.) and so on. How did these set of successful and notable leader...